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Posts: 21

I am currently "little blue 30" and I want to upgrade to "blue clicker 30" and I have the money and everything but when I am trying to pay for "blue clicker", the only option the system give me is "little blue 30" and even if I click on the option next to item, I don't see "blue clicker" or other option, even if I have the money in purchase balance. Honestly, I wouldn't mind having "little blue 30" another month, but I know you want to get rid of the "little blue" upgrade and it wouldn't be right from me to take it knowing that. So can you help me so I can buy the "blue clicker 30" instead? I already have the money in my purchase balance, I just want to see the option in "item" so I can buy it.

So thanks in advance for your help and thanks a lot for the work you put in this PTC
Posts: 613
The minute your membership expires, you can upgrade to the Blue Clicker membership. Its a limitation in the script I can't change.

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