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I presume 30 days without a login trigger the "inactive" flag, but the Terms do not state how long before an account is inactive.

Will the Terms be updated to indicate a number of days without login, so that people can see how often they'll need to break their schedule to log in to save their balance?
Well, I answered my own question via trial and error!

The answer is: 14 calendar days!

How did I determine this? Very systematically...

1. I had a fraction of one cent in my account when I originally posted.

2. I then waited 8 calendar days to log in and still had that fraction.

3. Repeating this process at 15, 24, and 31 days just to check my balance, I found the fraction disappeared at 15 days, which means the balance resets to zero when you don't log in for 14 calendar days (which might actually be 13 and a half, depending on how to close the server-reset time you last logged in).

-Parting remarks-
Anyway, I don't have time to log in that often, so good-bye everyone.

And don't bother with the University of Wisconsin System, such as if you aspire to be a foreign student coming to the U.S.A., because I earned a freaking master's degree from the UW but - despite my preparation, tidy suit, and exuberance - ended up working H2A labor alongside migrant workers, following involuntary joblessness about 4 years after graduating.

UW System = Overrated; and soon defunded by at least $250 million (good riddance)

I blog about this stuff as a hobby. Soon, I will re-launch Absurd Job Vacancies Blog with much more content and updated sidebar ads.

Thank those who fatalistically refuse to hire me for anything better than common grunt labor; their rejection is what inspires my "vicious" blog articles, which merely expose the truth of how I'm treated by most human resources departments and by my apathetic alma mater.

And if they don't care about me, a "privileged" Straight White Guy (SWG), then neither will you be better off financially from earning your degree. Save your time and money; work full-time like you're probably already doing. Time off for studies is will -not- be recouped in higher earnings.

Thank you; and bless you all.

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