1 replies to this topic
Posts: 10
I’ve been very disappointed with this site lately, as you’re always depriving us of something.
First-You have abolished points for almost all PTC
Second-You started by opening the PTC (bird, cat, fish ...) and it takes us a while and sometimes we have to open the PTC twice by mistake.
Red PTCs do not open properly, they open on two sides at the same time.
Referrals are too expensive because you get only three for $ 1 and you are in a complete loss of 50% -60% verified. And I could list ...

very, very disappointed and I hope you will not delete this immediately as other members will agree with it me well.
Posts: 613
Well, you make it sound like I stole something from you.
If you would check why there are no points for low value ads, you would find the selling price is lower then you would earn with points together. So you say I have to pay you from my own pocket in order to be happy.

You refer to the captcha's in the ads I guess. The correct answer rate is around 90% for all members, meaning 1 out of 10 fails. You even score 98% which means it isn't too hard for you either.

I've left your childish complains for 2 days here for everone to read and will move it now to answered.

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