1 replies to this topic
Posts: 2
I will rent my 1st three referrals today.
My doubt is whether I should enable Autopay or not?
Autopay is enabled, when will it deduct money from my account - on the day of 30th day or today?
If auto pay is deducting money, should not I have to renew my referrals or I have to do both autopay and renew?
What the concept of Autopay really is?
Please suggest.

Thank You.
Posts: 116
Autopay only will deduct money when it did his work.

Quote FAQ Page;

6. What is AutoPay?
AutoPay is one way to extend your referrals automatically.
If you've AutoPay enabled, on the first click a referral makes per day, you'll pay to keep him for an extra day.
If the referral does not click, you won't pay him for another day.
In other words, you'll pay one day in advance to your referral's due date.
AutoPay is also cheaper for you because you save 10% of a whole month's rent.
The value for each referral/day will be deducted from your purchase balance.

« Last Edit: 2018-01-19 at 15:13 by Admin »

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